i wanna move to COlorado?
2008-12-23 14:42:23 UTC
im form waco texas and i love it here but i want to get some snow sometimes and dont want to move to the pan handle of texas to get it i just want to leave texas i will come back one day but i gotta leave to come back. I was lookin in to fountain,colorado and i want to know is the cost of living way higher thatn it is here in texas and if i wanted to drive from there back to waco to visit how long of a drive is it. whats the weather like in the summer and hows the job market. is a safe city to start a family. I really want to be in a city the size of waco or just a little bit bigger i wanna stay south so i can drive to texas.
Sei risposte:
2008-12-23 15:14:45 UTC
good luck!
2008-12-25 09:20:03 UTC
CIMA M! E@ R# D$ A% è palesemente un fake che va segnalato.
2008-12-24 01:12:18 UTC
Che ne sappiamo noi! Spero ti sia sbagliato. Anche se CIMA M. non so quanto sia vero.
2008-12-23 16:30:07 UTC
si I FORM,ma va a caghere
2008-12-23 15:29:17 UTC
Perché' hai scritto in inglese in questa sezione? ;D

Il Colorado ha il cost of living piu' alto del Texas ma di poco.

Colorado Springs e' bellissima, io ti consiglio se ti vuoi muovere dal Texas di andare li'. A Waco Texas nevica magari non sara' tutti gli anni ma sempre meglio di San Antonio che la neve proprio c'è' la possiamo solo sognare. Da Waco TX a Colorado Springs CO ci si mette sulle 13 ore , lo stesso se vai a Fountain . The Job market... adesso come adesso ma....usa internet per avere risposta :D

Colorado Spring e una città' abbastanza safe :D perciò' si può' mettere su famiglia :D

2008-12-25 04:28:25 UTC
Queste blog e per Italia, perche non provi Yahoo in America

I can tell you one thing.... America in general is in Crisis, all depends what you are exactly looking for...

If you want a better weather you are better of trying somewhere in South: California. or move to Florida,

If you want better economy no matter where you go everywhere is bad.

I have a friend that lives in Denver and is so cold, summer is so hot... if you want an stable weather is better to move to caribean.

Really, why do you ask this question in Italy... this is an Italian Blog...

Try the american Yahoo Answers

Good luck

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